TRENDING Umrah and Ziyarah forum kicks off in Madinah today.

The 8th China-Eurasia Expo opened on June 25–30, and Pakistan’s ambassador to China, Khalil Hashmi, traveled to Urumqi and Kashgar, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, to attend the opening ceremony and have bilateral talks with the region’s economic and political elite.

Since taking office, this was the ambassador’s first bilateral trip to Xinjiang. Ambassador Hashmi met one-on-one with Xinjiang Governor/Chairman Erkin Tuniyaz in Urumqi.The importance of Xinjiang’s function as the nation’s main route connecting China and Pakistan was reiterated by both parties.

After giving the Governor an update on Pakistan’s efforts to draw Chinese investment into thirteen export-oriented sectors, Ambassador Hashmi asked for his help in persuading Xinjiang companies to increase trade and investment ties with Pakistan.

Both parties conveyed their contentment with the advancements achieved thus far in carrying out the agreement between the two nations’ leaders to transform the land border between Pakistan and China into a weather-resistant pathway.The authorities in Xinjiang invited Ambassador Hashmi to give many addresses while he was there.

Speaking at the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC)-hosted Open Corps event, he emphasized Pakistan’s abundant natural and people resources as well as the growing prospects for bilateral economic cooperation.Ambassador Hashmi emphasized Pakistan’s strengths in this area and the significance of digital connection for the region during his remarks at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) round table on digital connectivity.

With assistance from the local government, the ambassador spoke at round tables on agriculture, textiles, and logistics in both Kashgar and Urumqi.He also had one-on-one interactions with different businesses in the 13 prioritized industries.Ambassador Hashmi made the long journey to the land border between China and Pakistan to hold talks about plans for an all-weather route over the Khunjerab Pass and integrated border control.

Ambassador Hashmi visited Xinjiang Normal University, where he spoke with Pakistani students and received an update on the Urdu Language Center, all in an effort to further foster academic connections.


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