QUETTA : Baluchistan Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti on Friday reaffirmed the revoke all the illegal appointments’ in the Provincial Education Department after a thorough probe and investigations. The decision comes in response to the widespread public outcry and the reported evidence of corruption in the recruitment process carried out by the Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University.“I will not allow anyone to sale jobs in Balochistan and deprive a child who fulfills merit and criteria,” Chief Minister Bugti said while talking to the newsmen. “We have received serious complaints about the corrupt mafia who had sold jobs and deprived the…
Author: Iqra Khan
ISLAMABAD : Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change and Environmental Coordination Romina Khurshid Alam has said that around 150 personnel from Capital Development Authority (CDA) and the Ministry of Climate Change teamed up to control the fire that broke out in the forests of Margalla hills. Romina Khurshid, in a news statement, said efforts continued late night as the fire spread up to three kilometres spanning the areas of Loi Dandi, Ratahoter and Pir Sohawa at the Margalla hills. She said “heat wave and increased wind speed contributed to the intensity of the fire. Swift action was taken…
ISLAMABAD : Charge d’affaires of Kyrgyz Embassy in Pakistan Melis Moldaliev on Saturday was called to the Foreign offices for a demarche by Director General (ECO & CARs) Aizaz khan last night’s incidents against Pakistani students studying in the Kyrgyz Republic. It was impressed on the Kyrgyz Deputy Foreign Minister that the Kyrgyz government should take all possible measures to ensure the safety and security of Pakistani students and citizens residing in the Kyrgyz Republic, Foreign offices Spokesperson said in a press statement. The Government of Pakistan takes the matter of the safety and security of it’s national around the world very seriously and would…
A captivating social media video recently surfaced showcasing a remarkable moment between Pakistani mountaineer Shehroze Kashif and Indian cricket icon Virat Kohli. The heartening exchange unfolded during a video call, capturing Kohli’s expressed desire to play in Pakistan soon, buoyed by the resurgence of international cricket tours to the country. With a substantial fan base in Pakistan Kohli’s words resonated deeply as he conveyed his hopes for future cricketing ventures across the border. Shehroze Kashif, in sharing this memorable encounter on his Instagram, shed light on the serendipitous circumstances that led to the conversation. Recalling a chance meeting with an…
ISLAMABAD: The Federal Government on Friday established the country’s first “Climate Change Authority” under the Climate Change Act 2017. According to a notification of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, the Authority was formed under sub section 1 of Section 5 of the Pakistan Climate Change Act no.X of 2017.The three judge Supreme Court bench comprising Justice Athar Minallah, Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, and Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar , in its judgment in the petition of Public Interest Law Association of Pakistan to highlight the existential threat of climate change, had ordered the Federal Government to establish…
In 2024, Honda has introduced enticing installment options for the Honda CG 125 bike, captivating potential buyers with flexible payment arrangements. Priced at Rs234,900, the Honda CG 125 is now accessible through several installment plans. With no markup, the 3-month and 6-month plans stand out as appealing choices for those seeking swift acquisition. The 3-month plan entails payments of Rs78,300 per month, while the 6-month plan offers installments of Rs43,720 per month, providing buyers with convenient pathways to ownership. Honda CG 125 Installment Plans for 2024 Honda CG 125 Rs234,900 3 Month Plan Rs78.300 (no mark-up) 6 Month Plan Rs43,720…
Punjab Governor Sardar Saleem Haider has said that Pakistan values its bilateral relations with the United Kingdom.He was taking to British High Commissioner Jane Marriott who called on him in Lahore today. Sardar Saleem Haider expressed gratitude for the UK’s support to Pakistan during difficult times, such as floods and earthquakes.He emphasized that Pakistan has suffered greatly from floods due to climate change, which has also adversely affected the agricultural sector. The British High Commissioner assured that the UK will provide all possible assistance to Pakistan in tackling climate change.
A Mardan Engineering University student has created software that can pinpoint the exact place of gunfire anywhere in the city. The software may notify authorities in a matter of seconds about the exact location of shooting, which is a major breakthrough in crime prevention.Muhammad Ali, a student, claims that the program can pinpoint the source of aerial gunfire in less than five seconds.According to Ali, this invention makes it possible for law enforcement to use Google Maps to locate criminals. Another outstanding student of Engineering University Mardan has designed a wheelchair driven by electricity but controlled by the human brain.…
The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Education has taken the initiative to ensure the safety of drinking water within educational institutions. In line with this, it has been decided to conduct testing of the water quality in all schools and colleges in Islamabad.This testing aims to identify any deficiencies in water quality and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to rectify them promptly. Following the testing, schools and colleges are required to take necessary actions to address any issues found and ensure the provision of clean and safe drinking water for students and staff.Furthermore, schools and colleges are instructed…
ISLAMABAD: Ethiopia and Pakistan on Thursday to collaborate in various education sectors, including science and technology, agriculture, health, information and communication. The both parties reach this consensus during a meeting between the special envoy and the extraordinary ambassador and plenipotentiary Jemal Beker Abdula and the president of the Higher Education Commission,the Dr.Mukhtar Ahmed.The meeting discussed the modalities aimed at making mutual cooperation in the education sector for the purpose of knowledge, skills and expertise. Ambassador Jemal Beker said said that the Ethiopian government will strengthen the already thriving bilateral relations between the two through educational diplomacy. Collaboration in the education…