Author: Shahid Maitla from Madinah

Shahid Maitla from Madinah— In an exclusive interview with Bloom Pakistan, Dr. Abdulrahman shams, assistant deputy minister of Hajj and Umrah, shares the details of kingdom’s efforts to enrich the experience of pilgrims and visitors during their visit for Umrah and tourism, at the Umrah and Ziyarah forum in Madinah.The three days event through interactive sessions, workshops, and hackathon discussed the recommendations, actionable proposals and facilities to improve the experience of pilgrims and visitors.Forum held under the Pilgrim Experience Program which is one of the major components of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.In response to a question Dr. Abdulrahman shams told,…

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Madinah Emir underscores Saudi Arabia’s keenness on enriching experience of pilgrims.Shahid Maitla from Madinah—Madinah Emir Prince Salman bin Sultan attended the Umrah and Ziyarah Forum in Madinah on Tuesday.In his speech, Prince Salman bin Sultan, emphasized the enhanced services during the reign of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.He highlighted the significance of the forum in fostering dialogue and actionable recommendations for improving services for the guests of God from their arrival to departure from the Kingdom.Minister of Hajj and Umrah Dr. Tawfiq Al-Rabiah noted the remarkable increase in numbers of…

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The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has launched the initiative to showcase the service quality and facilities it made to improve the experience of performers and visitors for Umrah and Hajj, within and outside the kingdom. It is part of efforts Saudi authorities are making to enable to cater the needs of large number of visitors in coming years. It was also told in inaugural session that developing best Hajj and Umrah services is a key priority of the Saudi government.Forum also highlights the special focus on religious tourism under the vision 2030 spearheading by crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman.…

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