Islamabad, Sep 20: WhatsApp has introduced a new feature to help users identify which chats are consuming the most memory on their devices. This enhancement addresses concerns about storage issues and allows users to see their most active chats.

How to Check Chat Memory Usage:

  1. Open WhatsApp on your mobile phone.
  2. Tap the three dots (Menu) in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Settings”.
  4. Go to “Storage and Data”.
  5. Click on “Manage Storage”.

This feature will help users understand which conversations are using the most space, allowing for easier management of their storage.

Future Updates:

Meta has also announced plans to roll out support for third-party video and voice calls by 2027 while emphasizing user privacy and security. Users will receive notifications to adjust app settings once this feature is available.

In addition, WhatsApp is testing a feature that allows users to open status updates directly from the viewer list, indicated by a green ring around contacts’ profile pictures who have also posted status updates. This aims to enhance user interaction within the app

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