The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has ceased funding for provincially chartered universities following a substantial reduction in the federal government’s grant, slashed from 65 billion to 25 billion rupees. This decision has prompted the Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA) and the Karachi University Teachers Society (KUTS) to schedule a protest on May 30 against the funding cut. Despite HEC’s request for 126 billion rupees for 160 universities nationwide, the federal government’s budget cut has severely limited HEC’s funding capacity. Consequently, HEC will no longer distribute funds to provinces, leaving provinces responsible for financing their universities independently.

The Ministry of Finance has communicated this decision to HEC. FAPUASA and KUTS have expressed strong opposition to halting funding for universities under provincial charters and have announced plans for a protest campaign. KUTS President Shah Ali Al-Qadar has voiced disappointment, highlighting the financial crises faced by universities nationwide and the freeze on funds for current expenses over the past eight years. He noted that the grant provided by the federal HEC for over 160 universities has remained stagnant at 65 billion rupees.

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