Legend of the Test cricket team Sarfraz Nawaz has criticised the decision to give Wahab Riaz a lot of power ahead of the 2024 T20 World Cup and has urged for the entire selection committee to be fired. The former fast bowler referred to the committee as “incapable of delivering” un a media statement on Wednesday.”The selection committee demonstrated a collaborative effort, as demonstrated by the members’ admission during the pre-World Cup press conference that the team was assembled by consensus,” Sarfraz stated.

Since each committee member was in charge of the selection, they should all be fired.Sarfraz has expressed his criticism of Wahab Riaz’s managerial abilities in writing to current PCB Management Committee chairman Mohsin Naqvi as well as to former PCB Management Committee head Zaka Ashraf.

“It is documented that I sent letters to Zaka and Naqvi about Wahab’s alleged history and his incompetence as an administrator. No one took me up on my suggestion. Wahab was appointed manager, advisor, and selector despite my clear knowledge that he was incapable of performing in any role. He failed on every front.

The PCB fired Wahab Riaz and Abdul Razzaq from the national selection committee. The former Sports Minister acknowledged the selection committee’s common responsibility in selecting the T20 World Cup team in a tweet on “X.” “I disagree with the statements that are being discussed as putting more pressure on the selection committee members. How does one vote outweigh six? Everything is recorded in writing.The minutes of the meeting contain all of the documentation,” Wahab said.

Sarfraz stressed that rather than making small adjustments, a thorough overhaul is required. “If at all possible, major surgery is needed to get the system back on track. Wahab and Abdul Razzaq should not only be fired; there should be a three-person selection committee. Even Mohammad Yousuf and the silent observer Asad Shafiq are incapable of delivering.Regarding captaincy, Sarfraz supported keeping Shan Masood in charge of the Test team and designating Mohammad Rizwan to lead the white-ball team. “Rizwan has demonstrated his leadership abilities by assisting KPK in winning all local competitions in the past, and he has consistently performed well as the captain of the Multan Sultans throughout the years.


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