Shahid Afridi, the Pakistani cricketer, found himself embroiled in controversy after a photo of him with individuals from “Friends of Israel” surfaced on Instagram, implying his endorsement of their cause.

Afridi quickly responded on his social media platform, clarifying that the photo was taken during an encounter with fans on a street in Manchester, UK, and was not an endorsement of any political stance, particularly regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In his response, Afridi expressed disbelief that a casual photo with fans could be misrepresented as support for a specific cause.

He emphasized that he takes photos with fans worldwide and that this instance was no different. Furthermore, Afridi reiterated his stance on humanitarian issues, stating that he does not support any situation where human lives are at stake, particularly referencing the suffering of innocent lives in Palestine.

The Instagram post from “NW Friends of Israel” had claimed Afridi stopped to support their call for the release of hostages, but Afridi’s response aimed to clarify that the photo did not reflect his political or ideological endorsement.

The situation sparked further commentary, including from individuals like Fatima Bhutto, seeking clarification on Afridi’s presence at such an event.

Overall, Afridi’s response aimed to dispel any misconceptions about his political affiliations and reiterated his focus on humanitarian concerns.

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