The Xiaomi 15 series is anticipated to launch in Q4 of this year, immediately following Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 CPU announcement. According to Gizmochina’s claim, the lineup will initially consist of the Xiaomi 15 and 15 Pro, but there should also be a Xiaomi 15 Ultra, which won’t be available until 2025.

The Xiaomi 15 and 15 Ultra are anticipated to go on sale worldwide, much as last year, while the Pro phone will only be available in China. The Xiaomi 15 and 15 Pro pair, however, will be unveiled initially in China.

It is anticipated that all three phones would employ the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 processor. However, even though the Xiaomi 15 and 15 Pro have already been observed in the IMEI database, This is the first sighting of the 15 Ultra. This demonstrates that the 15 Ultra will go on sale during MWC Barcelona 2025, which is scheduled for March of the following year.

Three distinct model numbers 25010PN30C, 25010PN30G, and 25010PN30I are assigned to the Ultra phone. These figures indicate three distinct Xiaomi 15 Ultra models: a Chinese model, a worldwide model, and an Indian variant that validates the product’s worldwide release.

In the first model, the “C” at the end stands for China, and the “G” and “I” stand for the global and Indian launch models, respectively.However, given the launch is still many months away, Xiaomi hasn’t made any official announcements as of yet. Right now, Later this month, Xiaomi will release the Mix Fold 4 and its first flip foldable.


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