Islamabad, Sep 21: By formally establishing its Technology and Digitalization Wing block, the Capital Development Authority (CDA), acting on the orders of its Chairman Muhammad Ali Randhawa, has made a major advancement toward modernization.

According to a press statement, this milestone ushers in a new era for the Authority’s operations as it moves toward a corporate model and collaborative working culture with the goal of streamlining services and increasing efficiency.

Chairman CDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa stated during the launch that implementing corporate best practices and embracing contemporary technology are key to the future of public service delivery.The newly created Technology and Digitalization Wing block has been operationalized as part of this project.

To increase productivity, this block is outfitted with cutting-edge hardware and software. To improve efficiency and transparency, a corporate-style work atmosphere with open workstations and an open-door policy has been implemented.The use of this cutting-edge technology is a component of a larger program designed to boost productivity and increase openness in office operations.

In this block, the CDA hopes to increase operating efficiency and transparency by utilizing contemporary technologies. With intentions to expand it to other wings of the CDA soon, this cutting-edge technology and corporate culture have first been applied in the Technology and Digitalization Wing.

A primary feature of the wing is an innovative electronic file system, which is expected to replace the conventional paper-based filing system in a paperless working environment. It is anticipated that this change will lessen the dependency on physical documents, hence using less paper and saving operating expenses.

Processes will be streamlined as a result of this change, making it simpler to efficiently access and handle records.The CDA is fulfilling its role in operationally implementing the larger national vision of a Digital Islamabad, which is in line with this change.



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