Islamabad, Sep 29: Ahsan Iqbal Collective Efforts of Asian Countries Essential for Regional Development. Ahsan Iqbal, the federal minister for planning, development, and special initiatives, stated that cooperation among Asian nations is necessary for the area to become powerful.

Speaking as the honored guest at Asia’s Energy Transition Summit on Sunday, he expressed the belief that energy use will ultimately determine climate change, a critical worldwide concern. “Climate change has caused us a lot of suffering,” he stated. Asia, according to Ahsan Iqbal, is a key hub for energy consumption and is home to 50% of the world’s population and will soon account for more than half of global GDP.

According to the Federal Minister, Pakistan is implementing green energy projects and has created an environmentally favorable strategy for using coal to generate electricity. “Innovation is essential to our projects. We also need to watch how the funding for these projects is received, and we need to make a lot of changes to our regulations to foster an atmosphere that encourages investment and further growth in the energy industry.

He stated that cooperation among Asian nations will be necessary, noting to make Asia better, all nations must cooperate, even though some are wealthy and others are not. Collaboration is necessary for the region to improve; if these measures are taken, Asia will become a more powerful region.

The goal is to attain green energy, according to Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal. Our goal is for everyone to have access to reasonably priced, green energy. The three-day summit has been organized by the LUMS Energy Institute (LEI) and the Pakistan Renewable Energy Coalition (PREC) to promote conversation on the switch to renewable energy sources.

Prominent scholars, academics, activists from civil society, legislators, and policymakers were present at the occasion. The purpose of the event was to draw attention to the necessity of concerted efforts throughout Asia to raise funds in order to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and to enhance energy conservation and efficiency.

The summit’s main goals were to assess and evaluate Asia’s energy transition efforts in light of the major goals established at COP28, particularly the tripling of renewable energy, the doubling of energy efficiency, and the region’s swift and final transition away from fossil fuels. In order to investigate a workable route for scaling up renewables and benefiting from the global energy revolution, the summit also assisted in presenting current insights and solutions.



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