Islamabad, Sep 24: In order to combat malnutrition and enhance the health of Pakistani women and children, the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has inked two distinct agreements with UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) under the Benazir Nashonuma Program.

The main objectives of the UNICEF agreement are the delivery of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) for the treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC).

Secretary Amer Ali Ahmad of BISP, Mrs. Abdullah Fadil of UNICEF, and Dr. Luo Dapeng of WHO signed the agreements.Through this relationship, impacted moms and children will receive life-saving nutrition help and community awareness will be raised.

Under the terms of the agreement with WHO, District Headquarter Hospitals (DHQs) would oversee stabilization centers at the district level throughout the nation.These facilities will offer children with difficulties from SAM specialized care.

Senator Rubina Khalid stressed the significance of these agreements in her remarks, emphasizing their role in preventing malnutrition in Pakistan.By working together, we hope to strengthen our collaborative partnerships and serve vulnerable populations in Pakistan with regard to nutrition and health.I have no doubt that by working together, we will produce significant outcomes and improve the lives of those we serve in the long run,” she remarked.

UNICEF Representative in Pakistan Abdullah Fadil stated, “Children living in impoverished communities and households need to be prioritized when it comes to nutrition and social protection programmes to ensure they can survive, thrive, and reach their full potential.”

Dr. Luo Dapeng stated, “WHO is honored to collaborate with BISP to offer evidence-based interventions aimed at protecting, supporting, and promoting breast feeding as a key strategy to prevent stunting as well as providing life-saving treatment to 75,000 severely acutely malnourished children with medical complications.”

This is a historic occasion for BISP and a big step forward in our mission to improve beneficiaries’ well-being. In order to make sure that the benefits of our cooperation reach those who need them the most, we are dedicated to fortifying our connections with UNICEF and WHO, Secretary BISP Amer Ali Ahmad stated.




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