Islamabad, Sep 28: Chairman PMYP Meets South Korean Envoy to Strengthen Bilateral Relations. Rana Mashhood Ahmed Khan, the chairman of the Prime Minister’s Youth Programme (PMYP), met with His Excellency Park ki Jun, the ambassador of the Republic of South Korea, here on Saturday in order to strengthen bilateral ties and encourage youth collaboration.

The PMYP office stated that the talks centered on enhancing ties between Pakistan and South Korea, with a particular emphasis on empowering the young of both countries.During the meeting, the two dignitaries reaffirmed their shared commitment to strengthening youth development programs.

They talked about many approaches to youth empowerment through digital technology, skill development, and involvement, especially through educational and cultural exchange initiatives. Chairman PMYP Rana Mashhood outlined Pakistan’s current programs, such as the National Innovation Award and the Smart Pakistan Scheme, which are designed to give the younger generation the skills they will need in the future.

The Honorable Park ki Jun conveyed a strong desire to promote increased collaboration in the fields of education, culture, and technology. Additionally, he emphasized the value of forging closer bonds through joint youth initiatives that can advance both countries’ interests in fields like innovation and entrepreneurship.

The leaders conveyed great excitement for the forthcoming Korean Cultural Week, which is scheduled for October 2024 and is intended to foster cultural interaction and enhance mutual comprehension between the two nations.

Performances, exhibits, and workshops honoring the rich cultural legacies of South Korea and Pakistan will take place during the cultural week. Chairman Rana Mashhood Ahmed Khan said that the occasion will serve as evidence of the two nations’ solid and developing friendship and reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to extending chances for young collaboration.

“This is a wonderful chance to celebrate our shared cultural heritage and to create new opportunities for the young people of both countries,” he said. At the end of the meeting, there was hope on both sides regarding the future of relations between Pakistan and Korea, especially with regard to youth empowerment.



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