Islamabad, Sep 12: On the occasion of the 59th anniversary of his martyrdom, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti, Nishan-e-Haider, received heartfelt praise from the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, Services Chiefs, and Armed Forces of Pakistan. According to an Inter Services Public Relations news release, Major Aziz Bhatti gave his life in the 1965 War while protecting the nation. He is a shining example of valor and courage.

We will always remember and honor Major Aziz Bhatti for his unyielding devotion to service, unshakable resolve, and ultimate sacrifice. Numerous people were motivated to uphold the greatest traditions of bravery and sacrifice by his heroic deeds, inspiring others to follow in his footsteps.

The Armed Forces of Pakistan pay tribute to Major Aziz Bhatti and his legacy, which inspires and encourages future generations of troops to serve their country with distinction and honor.

We also honor the families of our martyrs, who bravely and tenaciously endured the brunt of their loved ones’ sacrifices. Let us honor Major Aziz Bhatti, Nishan-e-Haider, and all of our martyrs who gave their lives defending Pakistan,” the statement read.



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