TRENDING Umrah and Ziyarah forum kicks off in Madinah today.

The Digital Economy Enhancement Project (DEEP), which is worth $78 million and aims to assist the expansion of digitally enabled public service delivery for residents and businesses, has received an acceptable rating from the World Bank for overall implementation progress.The Bank likewise deemed the project development objective’s progress toward fulfillment adequate in its initial Implementation Status & Results Report (ISR).

Since the World Bank Board approved DEEP, this is the organization’s first ISR. On May 2, 2024, DEEP came into effect, and from May 20 to May 30, there was a first supervision mission. In accordance with the Financing Agreement, the World Bank team decided on the time-sensitive activities to be carried out during the first mission in consultation with the Project Implementing Entities (PIEs).

The PIEs’ assigned tasks are outlined in the Technical Annex of the Management Letter that was issued to them, and they mostly revolve around two themes: (i) Implementation readiness: crucial and urgent actions needed for the Project’s implementation phase; and (ii) Financing Agreement compliance: crucial and urgent actions outlined in the Financing Agreement that has been signed. The Bank stated, “We would like to emphasize that the PIEs must prioritize the key and time-sensitive tasks at this stage.”

Furthermore, since the Ministry of IT and Telecom will be funding the feasibility of the National Fiberization Plan through DEEP, the mission also explored opportunities for working with public and private sector participants to aid in Pakistan’s National Fiberization Plan development.


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