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Google has announced groundbreaking update to its search engine, introducing AI-generated responses for queries made by users in the US. This represents one of the most significant changes in Google Search’s 25-year history.

At an event in California, Google CEO Sundar Pichai unveiled a new tool called “AI overviews,” which will be available to US users this week. Pichai also mentioned plans to expand this feature to other countries soon.

With this update, users will see AI-generated “overviews” at the top of many search results pages, providing a summary of information before displaying traditional links and features. Powered by Google’s Gemini AI technology, these overviews offer concise explanations with links to the sources of information.

Liz Reid, head of the Google Search team, emphasized the convenience of this new feature, stating, “You can ask whatever’s on your mind or whatever you need to get done – from researching to planning to brainstorming – and Google will take care of the legwork.”

This update comes amid competition from AI-powered search engines like Perplexity and speculation about OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, developing its own AI search tool.

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