Islamabad, Aug 13: The last two weeks have seen persistent outages in internet access, which has severely hampered Pakistan’s freelance community and IT industry. The troubles that digital professionals face are made worse by the widespread connectivity issues that users around the country have been reporting.

The main cause of the slowdown, according to industry analysts, is increased internet traffic monitoring, which has caused a discernible drop in net speeds. The government’s recent efforts to increase online surveillance may have had some role, but they are also having a detrimental effect on social media access and the availability of digital services.

According to a recent analysis from digital media, internet speeds have decreased by 30 to 40%, which is generating serious problems for people and organizations who depend largely on dependable and quick connectivity.

This is becoming more than just a small annoyance for industries like e-commerce, freelance work, and other digital entrepreneurship.These sectors, which were previously seen as essential to Pakistan’s digital economy’s advancement, are currently confronting significant challenges as a result of the current internet slowness.

Due to these persistent difficulties, a lot of business owners are thinking about moving to nations with more stable internet connections. If the government does not act quickly to address the issue, the chairman of the Wireless & Internet Service Providers Association of Pakistan has expressed fears about possible economic exodus from the nation.


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