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In a global study, Karachi formerly a bright port metropolis renowned for its cutting-edge infrastructure and contemporary education was once again named the least livable city.CNN reports that the Economist Intelligence Unit, a division of The Economist, assessed 173 cities across the globe based on important variables like infrastructure, healthcare, culture and environment, stability, and education.

A scale of one to 100 was used to grade cities, with one denoting an unacceptable standard of living and 100 denoting an ideal one. Karachi received a total score of 42.7, placing it 169th overall. The city did especially badly in the stability area, receiving only 20 points.

Western Europe generally performed well, with 30 cities averaging 92 out of 100. However, the region experienced a decline in stability scores due to “increasing instances of disruptive protests” and crime.

The top 10 “most livable cities” of 2024 are:

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. Copenhagen, Denmark
  3. Zurich, Switzerland
  4. Melbourne, Australia
  5. Calgary, Canada
  6. Geneva, Switzerland
  7. Sydney, Australia
  8. Vancouver, Canada
  9. Osaka, Japan
  10. Auckland, New Zealand
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