Islamabad, Sep 18: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif received a formal invitation from King Charles III of the United Kingdom to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa in October.

According to a PM Office press statement, the prime minister accepted the invitation and stated that the CHOGM in Samoa will be a historic occasion in the history of the Commonwealth because it would be the first summit the King would chair after becoming Head of the Commonwealth. Pakistan’s commitment to the Commonwealth and the principles outlined in the Commonwealth Charter was reaffirmed by Prime Minister Sharif.

He stated that the Commonwealth-wide gathering in Samoa would serve as a platform for debating ways to improve intra-Commonwealth collaboration on several critical matters, including promoting sustainable development, fortifying democratic institutions, and empowering the younger generation of the Commonwealth.

Given Pakistan’s extreme vulnerability to the effects of climate change, the prime minister said he was especially looking forward to talking with Commonwealth leaders on climate change, citing the King’s longstanding commitment in environmental issues and numerous measures for climate sustainability.

In addition, the prime minister asked how the King was doing and wished The Princess of Wales well after her good recovery from her illness. Prime Minister Shehbaz expressed his hope that the King and Queen would soon visit Pakistan, recalling the pleasant recollections of the King’s previous visit during his time as the Prince of Wales.



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