The Punjab government, under the leadership of Maryam Nawaz, has unveiled the Karobar Card Loan Scheme to boost small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This initiative is designed to provide financial support to aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners, fostering economic growth and job creation.

What is the Karobar Card Loan Scheme?

The Karobar Card is a revolutionary financial tool offering interest-free loans ranging from Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 1 million. It is aimed at small business owners to help them establish or expand their ventures. The scheme is a step forward in reducing unemployment by encouraging self-reliance and business development.

Chief Minister Easy Business Financing Scheme

In addition to the Karobar Card, the Chief Minister Easy Business Financing Scheme caters to medium-sized enterprises. This program provides loans up to Rs. 30 million with a flexible repayment period of five years. Entrepreneurs can benefit from a three-month grace period to ease initial financial pressures.

Who Can Apply?

Eligibility criteria focus on entrepreneurs with viable business ideas in Punjab. Startups, especially in the IT sector, are prioritized, with additional incentives provided for businesses operating in designated economic zones.

Economic Impact

These initiatives aim to stimulate trade and industrial activity across the province. By enabling easy access to financial resources, the scheme empowers businesses to thrive, creating a ripple effect of economic prosperity.


The Maryam Nawaz Karobar Card Loan Scheme is a game-changer for Punjab’s economic landscape, providing much-needed support to SMEs. Entrepreneurs looking for a financial boost should explore this opportunity to secure a brighter future.

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