Islamabad, Sep 21: A high-level Chinese team headed by Minister of Political and Legal Affairs Chen Mingguo met with Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi.

When Minister Chen Minguo and his delegation arrived at the Ministry of Interior, the Minister for Interior gave them a hearty welcome. It was decided during the conference to strengthen collaboration in a number of areas, including as anti-terrorism, cross-border cooperation, anti-smuggling, and anti-drug initiatives.

Discussions on topics of common interest and Pakistan-China ties, specifically with regard to Xinjiang, took place during the meeting.At the discussion, it was decided to train police officers from Gilgit-Baltistan at the Xinjiang Police Academy and to hold joint police and paramilitary force exercises in Gilgit-Baltistan or Xinjiang.

It was also decided during the summit that broad action would be taken to combat terrorism, a worldwide problem. In order to further collaboration, it was also determined that a delegation from Pakistan, headed by the Federal Secretary of Interior, will soon travel to Xinjiang.

Mohsin Naqvi, the federal interior minister, was also asked by Chinese Minister Chen Mingguo to visit Xinjiang. According to Mohsin Naqvi, the province of Xinjiang is crucial to Pakistan’s relations with China. He emphasized that in addition to being Pakistan’s neighbor, our border with Xinjiang stretches 600 kilometers.

He further mentioned that Xinjiang is a part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiative. He made it clear that Pakistan intends to entirely stop the smuggling of all products, including weapons and drugs.

He mentioned that fresh opportunities for enhancing bilateral cooperation will arise from the Pakistani delegation’s visit to Xinjiang. It was said by Minister Chen Mingyuo that improved ties with Pakistan in all areas were desired.

He stated that terrorism is a widespread issue and that Xinjiang has experienced it for a long time.He emphasized that Pakistan may gain from Xinjiang’s counterterrorism expertise.Discussions during the conference focused on issues of common interest and Pakistan-China ties, specifically with regard to Xinjiang.

The vice president of the Xinjiang Police Academy, the executive director general of police, and the deputy secretary of the committee for legislative and legal affairs for Xinjiang were among the Chinese delegates. Additional Secretary Interior Nazar Muhammad Buzdar, Special Secretary Interior Waqas Ali Mahmood, and Secretary Interior Khurram Ali Agha were also present for the event.




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