Islamabad, Sep 24: In a concerning development for the artificial intelligence community, OpenAI’s official news account on the social media platform X was compromised on Monday evening, falling victim to a cryptocurrency scam.

The account, @OpenAINewsroom, which has nearly 54,000 followers and is typically used for company updates, was hijacked to promote a fraudulent cryptocurrency token.

The now-deleted post advertised an “$OPENAI” token, falsely claiming it would “bridge the gap between AI and blockchain technology.” It misleadingly stated that all OpenAI users were eligible to claim a portion of the token’s initial supply, suggesting that holding the token would grant access to future beta programs.

To add credibility, the post included a link to a website posing as OpenAI’s official page, though the URL did not lead to the legitimate

Clicking the link directed users to a fake version of OpenAI’s homepage, featuring a button to claim the $OPENAI cryptocurrency.

This prompted users to link their wallets to the fraudulent site, a dangerous move that could compromise their security. Users are strongly advised against connecting their wallets to suspicious websites or services.

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