Islamabad, JULY26:  Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the military’s media branch, announced on Friday that the Pakistan Navy had commissioned its offshore patrol vessel, PNS Hunain, at a ceremony in Romania. It added that the action will help enhance regional maritime security in the Indian Ocean.

Along with other prominent officials and dignitaries, Romanian Chief of Defense Staff General Gheorghita Vlad and Pakistan’s Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Naveed Ashraf attended the commissioning event as chief guests.

The naval chief was quoted by the ISPR as stating, “The induction of the ship will further enhance Pakistan Navy’s maritime security capabilities, presence in distant international waters, and operational readiness.” “The introduction of

The deployment of PNS Hunain will fortify the Indian Ocean’s regional maritime security patrol system. According to the announcement, PNS Hunain is a multi-role, extremely fast cruiser with terminal defense, cutting-edge electronic warfare equipment, and anti-ship and anti-air warfare capabilities.

The naval chief also praised Damen Shipyard’s management and expertise for giving Pakistan access to cutting-edge technologies. The Pakistan Navy took over leadership of a multinational task force earlier this month, which operates in the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, and Gulf of Aden, to guarantee maritime security in the Middle East’s southeast waterways.

As a component of the 34-nation coalition known as the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), which focuses on counterterrorism, anti-smuggling, and improving navigational security, Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150) works to promote security and stability in some of the most significant shipping routes in the world.



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