Islamabad, Sep 27: At the most recent assembly in New Delhi, India, on Friday, Pakistan’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) was chosen to serve on the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions’ (ASOSAI) Governing Board (2024–27).

On the last day of the 16th ASOSAI Assembly, which took place in New Delhi from September 21 to 27, the Office of the Auditor General of Pakistan, the nation’s SAI, joined the organization’s governing board.

The Auditor General of Pakistan, Muhammad Ajmal Gondal, persisted in his ardent advocacy for the highly sought-after post, and as a result, Pakistan was able to achieve membership even though not a single member of the office was permitted to participate in the assembly.

The AGP Audit team was in regular communication with the Supreme Audi Institutions of various Asian countries for several months. The election serves as evidence of Pakistan’s SAI’s position internationally.

The organization’s directive is to guarantee public accountability and fiscal transparency with respect to governmental activities. The purpose of this is to reduce the likelihood of fraud and waste. One of the regional subgroups of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) is the ASOSAI, which is made up of 48 SAIs.

It should be noted that Pakistan was unable to become a member in 2018. The Governing Board is a crucial part of the organization that formulates the institution’s policies in compliance with legal requirements.

The organization gives members the chance to share ideas and experiences in the field of public audit by serving as a hub for information and a regional connection. Members collaborate at conferences and seminars, which fosters mutual understanding and cooperation throughout the many institutes. Additionally, members publish research articles in the domains of auditing and allied fields.



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