Islamabad, JULY29: For more than 40 years, a Pakistani-owned tiny restaurant in the center of Dubai has been a major player in the local food scene. Satwa’s Ravi Restaurant has gained popularity among both foodies and celebs. The tale of Ravi Restaurant’s success, from its humble beginnings to collaborating with international businesses, is one of enthusiasm, perseverance, and hard work.

The creator of Ravi Restaurant, Chaudary Abdul Hameed, came to the United Arab Emirates in 1970 with high hopes. Following a stint of odd jobs and a brief stint at Toyota, he entered the hotel industry. With only AED 27,000 invested, Hameed launched the Ravi Restaurant in 1978, offering high-quality cuisine at reasonable costs.

The eatery, which immediately became well-known, also provides laborers with a complimentary breakfast. Over time, Ravi Restaurant gained international recognition and established itself as a mainstay of Dubai’s culinary scene.

“In the Arena” hosted Hameed, who talked about his path from modest beginnings to collaborating with Adidas on their “Adilicious” campaign, in an exclusive interview. The discourse disclosed the tale of Ravi Restaurant’s triumph and its intentions for forthcoming growth.

Hameed acknowledges the hard work and support of his brothers and kids in moving the business ahead. Abdul Waheed Chaudary, his oldest son, joined the company after graduating from college in the US and has been crucial to the restaurant’s growth. The boys of Hameed were also part of an Adidas partnership at Ravi Restaurant.

It took place in the midst of COVID-19. Waheed recollected, “We met with Adidas after receiving an email from them. “Adidas officials announced that we were one of 11 iconic restaurants from around the world that would be participating in a campaign called Adilicious.”

The fact that Ravi Restaurant was the only one chosen from the Gulf, India, and Pakistan area is evidence of its widespread renown. Due to the relationship, the restaurant had to briefly close after a sell-out event. According to Waheed, “they had a sell-out not in hours but in minutes when they did the pre-launch.” “We were forced to close the restaurant.”

Celebrity visits have also been a sign of the restaurant’s success. Famous diners at Ravi Restaurant include Rishi Kapoor, John Abraham, Snopp Dog, and the Pakistani cricket team, to name just a few. The restaurant gained even more notoriety when it was included in one of the documentaries produced by the late Anthony Michael Bourdain.

The Emirates airline ad, which was featured on BBC, CNN, and Emirates infotainment channels, emphasized Ravi Restaurant as a must-visit location in Dubai and marked a key milestone.Even with its growing popularity, Ravi Restaurant stays true to its origins. The eatery continues to offer laborers free breakfast and keeps its costs reasonable.

The “making connections with people” tenet of Hameed has been crucial to the restaurant’s success. Waheed remarked, “My father built relationships with people; he did not chase after money.” “That’s the reason Ravi Restaurant has been so successful.”

Plans for growth are in motion at Ravi Restaurant as it looks toward the future. Waheed intends to open locations in every emirate and throughout the world while preserving the beloved original atmosphere. Waheed declared, “We want to take it global, and we want to have at least one branch in every emirate.” “Certainly, expansion is a plan.”

Hameed is grateful for the possibilities the rulers have given him and regards Dubai as his home. Despite his true identity being Pakistani, he gladly identifies as a resident of Dubai. “This is where I live. I feel at home here. Although I connect with Dubai, my heart is with Pakistan, Hameed remarked. “Even though I’m not from Dubai, I will say that’s where I’m from if someone asks. However, I am a local in many ways.

Looking back on his trip, Hameed expresses gratitude for the chances Dubai has given him. “I am appreciative of the UAE’s regard for me,” Hameed remarked. “That’s why my restaurant has been successful.”


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