The Pakistan Football League (PFL) has commenced the distribution of 100,000 high-quality footballs among talented young individuals in Pakistan as part of the ‘Football 4 Hope’ initiative, announced PFL Chairman Farhan Ahmed Junejo.
Over the past three days, more than 10,000 footballs have already been distributed across various cities, with over 2,500 distributed in Lyari, Karachi alone. Junejo emphasized the initiative’s aim to bring smiles to children’s faces, stating, “We give you a ball, you give us a smile. One ball, One smile – Football for Hope.” Additionally, PFL plans to organize a festival highlighting football’s social impact, recognizing the accomplishments of underprivileged youth and promoting hope through the sport.
Junejo reiterated that Football for Hope is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative by PFL, contributing to social development in Pakistan.


Junejo emphasized that “Football 4 Hope” aims to unite all four provinces of Pakistan, fostering national unity and offering a brighter future to children who may have lost hope in football, thereby preventing them from succumbing to other societal challenges. From impromptu games in slums to matches atop mountains, street football across Pakistan, school academies, and stadium competitions, football instills confidence, pride in the underdog, and promotes unity, uniting the nation in hope regardless of where it’s played.

Junejo, the driving force behind the inauguration of PFL in Lahore on June 4, noted that more footballs would be distributed after the initial 100,000. He highlighted the distribution of World Cup footballs, each costing one dollar, among all segments of Pakistani society under the initiative “One Ball One Smile,” without discrimination.

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