TRENDING Umrah and Ziyarah forum kicks off in Madinah today.

According to reports from the Interior Ministry on Monday, the Punjab administration has decided to put CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) cameras in every investigation officer’s room throughout the state.

The sources verified that every investigation room will be monitored as well. The chief minister’s office is currently considering a number of police reforms, including this one, aimed at improving investigation techniques and staff capabilities.According to the sources, the main goals of installing CCTV cameras are to prevent the practice of torturing suspects who are being investigated and to guarantee that investigations are conducted properly and scientifically.

By alerting officers to the fact that their acts are being watched, CCTV cameras will guarantee that investigative officers behave in an open and transparent manner and uphold accountability.
It is anticipated that the deployment of cameras will discourage wrongdoing, such as coercion, physical harm, or unsuitable conduct on the part of officers during questioning. By preventing illegal detention and coerced confessions, as well as other abuses of legal and human rights, this surveillance will support the protection of the rights of those who are the subject of an inquiry.CCTV camera recordings can be used as proof in court cases or misconduct accusations, which is important when looking into charges of police corruption or brutality.


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