Islamabad, Sep 7: CEO and founder of Telegram Pavel Durov has announced a change in the app’s direction, turning off a few features he believes are out of date. This follows his recent apprehension in France. The app’s integrated blog entries and “People Nearby” location feature are the first to be altered.

Durov is working to dispel the notion that Telegram is a sanctuary for illicit behavior. The app’s prior lack of moderation is what gave it its notoriety. Durov was detained by French authorities in August on charges of aiding unlawful activities and disseminating information about child sex abuse.

This is the first thing that Durov said following his detention on Thursday:

Due to increasing pains brought on by Telegram’s sudden 950 million user growth, it became simpler for criminals to misuse our platform. I therefore made it my particular mission to see to it that conditions are greatly improved in this area. I was informed that because Telegram did not respond to the French authorities, I would be held directly liable for the unauthorized use of the platform by others.

The CEO of Telegram has recently said that features like People Nearby and new media uploads to Telegraph, the in-app writing tool, will be turned off because less than 0.1% of users, many of whom were bad individuals, used them. “Businesses Nearby,” which will display “legitimate, verified businesses,” will take the place of “People Nearby. These companies will have no trouble accepting payments and displaying product catalogs”.

Users of the 2016-launched website Telegraph can write and share posts anonymously online. Regretfully, security professionals have discovered that thieves are deceiving people with Telegraph. They fabricate messages or websites to fool people into divulging their personal information.




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