ISLAMABAD, AUGUST 7: Legal questions have been raised about the appointment of former Pakistani cricket player Waqar Younis as an advisor to Mohsin Naqvi, the chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB). Mashkoor Hussain, a citizen, has petitioned the Lahore High Court to contest Younis’s appointment as invalid.

Respondents to the petition include Waqar Younis, the PCB, and the federal government. It was filed through attorney Nadeem Sarwar.

Hussain’s appeal calls into question Younis’ appointment procedure. It raises questions about the board’s governance because it claims that the PCB circumvented established protocols while being run by Naqvi.
The petitioner cited several similar incidents in which the PCB selected foreign coaches under dubious circumstances: Jason Gillespie for red ball cricket and Gary Kirsten for white ball cricket.

The petition’s main claim is that Waqar Younis’ appointment was illegal since the appropriate procedures were not followed, including the position’s lack of newspaper advertisement. Hussain is requesting that the court revoke Younis’s appointment because of this inaccuracy in procedure.

The dispute arose after PCB Chairman Naqvi announced the Domestic Champions Cup and revealed Younis’s new position as advisor on August 5.

Since then, the board’s hiring procedures have been under scrutiny from stakeholders and the general public, leading to discussion and even legal action. The Lahore High Court’s ruling in this case may have a big impact on how the PCB makes administrative decisions in the future and how strictly it follows the law. The cricketing world is keeping a careful eye on the developments as they happen.

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