WhatsApp, owned by Meta, has announced that starting January 1, 2025, it will discontinue support for older Android and iPhone models. This move will affect devices running Android KitKat or older and iPhones with iOS 15.1 or below, which must be updated or replaced by May 2025 to continue using the app.
Why the Change?
The update aims to enhance app security and functionality, ensuring compatibility with modern operating systems capable of supporting WhatsApp’s evolving features. As technology progresses, the hardware requirements for supporting advanced features and security protocols increase, necessitating this shift to newer devices.
Who Is Affected?
The discontinuation will impact users with older smartphones, including models like the Samsung Galaxy S3 and iPhone 6. These devices will no longer receive WhatsApp support due to their inability to meet the new software requirements, posing risks such as reduced functionality and increased vulnerability to security threats.
Steps for Users
Affected users should prepare to transition to supported devices before the deadline. It is crucial to back up WhatsApp data to avoid losing access to important information and to ensure a smooth transition to newer models capable of supporting the latest app updates.
This strategic update reflects WhatsApp’s commitment to user security and the overall experience, aligning with the tech industry’s broader trends toward more robust and capable device ecosystems.