WhatsApp has been striving to keep up with competitors like Telegram in terms of feature offerings. Now, WhatsApp is finally addressing a long-standing demand by working on the inclusion of customizable chat bubble colors. This update, spotted by WABetaInfo in the latest WhatsApp beta version, suggests Meta is currently testing the feature before a wider release.

The new feature, displayed in screenshots, reveals a new section within chat themes allowing users to select from various default chat theme colors. Alongside the existing options, users can now choose from a range including blue, black and white, as well as magenta and purple for outgoing messages, with corresponding background color changes.

In addition to this, WhatsApp is also introducing a revamped design for media replies. This redesign simplifies the process of replying to pictures and videos within the app. WABetaInfo noted this change in the latest beta version, showcasing prominent buttons at the bottom of the screen for typing a reply or reacting with an emoji. Previously, users had to type responses without the ability to reply directly to image files. With this update, users can now easily reply or react using emojis.

Both of these features are currently available in the beta version and are expected to be rolled out in the live version of WhatsApp soon, although an exact launch date has not been confirmed.

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