In order to present the draft chapter and solicit feedback from stakeholders on how to incorporate climate change concerns into development planning and policymaking, the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF-Pakistan) held a workshop on Friday at the Pakistan Academy of Sciences on the topic of Integration of Climate Change into Policies and Actions.

The press release stated that Irfan Tariq, the former director general of the Ministry of Climate Change, gave a thorough overview of the urgent need for documents similar to the current National Communication, which is in the process of being prepared. He also mentioned how important it is to submit these communications on time in order to fulfill international obligations under agreements like the Paris Agreement and UNFCCC, as well as to effectively track progress and evaluate the impact of climate policies.

Nazifa Butt, Head of WWF-Pakistan’s Climate and Energy Program gave a briefing to the attendees about the TNC’s preparations and highlighted important passages from the draft chapter that highlighted sectors that are vulnerable to climate change and the need for focused policies and practical measures.

A strategic framework for policy creation, implementation, and monitoring that takes climate change challenges and associated demands into account was developed as a result of the planned interactive working group meetings with experts and participants.

Goheer further emphasized how crucial coherent policy is to be promoting successful climate action. He made the point that the effectiveness of efforts for climate adaptation and mitigation may be greatly increased by harmonizing policies across various sectors. He gave the workshop’s organizers praise for their skillful facilitation and inclusion of important players. Members of relevant government agencies, academics, think tanks, and non-governmental and community-based organizations (NGOs and CBOs, respectively) attended the one-day event.

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