TRENDING Umrah and Ziyarah forum kicks off in Madinah today.

There has been a lot of indignation after a video of Sahil Adeem and Khalilur Rehman acting inappropriately with a woman at a private TV event went public.

The woman brought up the issue by asking Sahil Adeem to retract his infamous statement that 95% of women lack literacy. Khalilur Rehman appeared to be very displeased with the show’s host during the contentious argument that followed this demand. The woman demanded an apology from Sahil Adeem for his derogatory statements about women during the presentation.

Adeem avoided answering her worries by challenging her interpretation of the term “Taghut,” which he considered to be the greatest transgression in Islam. The woman made it clear that women’s rights, not religious transgressions, were the topic of discussion.Sahil Adeem stuck to his guns, saying that it is Islamic responsibility to label someone ignorant or silly. When pressed for evidence to support his claim, he cited a hadith, saying that in Islam, there is no equality between the knower and the ignorant.

The woman pushed Adeem to stay on topic and demanded an apology. Rather, Adeem called her “ignorant” and apologized in a sarcastic manner. When Khalilur Rehman entered, the conversation grew heated as he addressed the woman angrily and criticized her attitude toward the quoted Arabic scriptures. He requested that the host of the program take her microphone away.

Social media users swiftly took to the video, praising the woman for standing up for women’s rights and criticizing Adeem and Rehman for their deeds.The actress Meera Sethi from Pakistan also shared the video on Instagram and offered her support, complimenting the woman’s bravery. Sahil Adeem took to social media in reaction to the commotion, mockingly applauding those who had hijacked his name and likeness for their own gain and advising them to tag their own leaders in order to maintain their positions.


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