The first-ever Human Milk Bank initiative in Pakistan has been put on hold by the Sindh Institute of Child Health & Neonatology (SICHN) in response to a recent fatwa.

A representative for the SICHN declared that the organization would consult the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) and Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi for additional guidance.With representatives from UNICEF and the Pakistan Pediatric Association (PPA) in attendance, Sindh Health Minister Dr. Azra Pechuho recently opened the Human Milk Bank with the goal of giving breast milk to preterm babies whose moms are unable to give them with enough nourishment.

Without enough breast milk, these preterm babies who frequently weigh less than 2 kg and have gestations of less than 34 weeks face serious health risks, such as problems, infections, and early mortality

The spokeswoman for the SICHN underlined that the milk bank was created to meet these vital needs by giving Muslim women’s breast milk to Muslim children at no cost in order to prevent any negative commercial effects.The proposal received the requisite religious authorization when a fatwa was issued in December 2023. On June 16, a revised fatwa was issued, which resulted in the project’s suspension.Before taking any further action, the spokesperson promised that discussions with religious authorities will continue to make sure the project complies with Islamic principles.

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