The distribution date for electric bikes was announced by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz during a speech at the Punjab Assembly in Lahore. As per CM Punjab, e-bikes would be distributed by the government from July 10.
The Chief Minister emphasized in her speech the achievements of her administration’s first 100 days in power. She declared that no further taxes would be placed on the people of Punjab because the province government had proposed a record tax-free budget.
In addition, Maryam Nawaz declared the relaunch of the laptop initiative, which will give students access to computers for 10 billion rupees. She also announced efforts to ensure that everyone has access to education by enrolling children who are not in school.
Regarding healthcare, the Chief Minister said that public hospitals offer free medical care and medications. She also cited programs aimed at helping farmers, such as interest-free loans and agricultural machinery subsidies.
Notably, on April 12, CM Maryam Nawaz announced the commencement of the Chief Minister Youth Initiative initiative, which will supply 20,000 bikes. Through reasonable monthly installment plans, students can now purchase motorcycles and e-bikes thanks to this initiative.
While female students can take advantage of the offer for Rs 7,325 per month, male students must pay Rs 11,676 per month.There will be a 50/50 quota for male and female students in urban areas, ensuring an equitable distribution. Thirty percent will go to female students and seventy percent will go to male pupils in rural areas.