TRENDING Umrah and Ziyarah forum kicks off in Madinah today.

A statewide protest against rising electricity costs has been called by the All Pakistan Traders Association, and it is set to begin on July 1.Ajmal Baloch, the president of the association, and other traders made this announcement at a press conference in Islamabad.

Baloch said, “The government has been unjust in its approach to electricity bills, prompting us to organize this nationwide protest.” in reference to the way the government handles billing for electricity.He made note of the discrepancy in billing and highlighted out

The bill for 200 units is not the same as the bill for higher consumption. The government elites own the Independent Power Producers (IPPs), and they get paid in US dollars. He went on to say that although 48,000 megawatts of power are being paid to IPPs, only about 20,000 megawatts are actually needed.

Baloch invited the public and traders to participate in the demonstration, Every dealer in the nation should demonstrate on July 1st, and the general public should join us. Protests are going to happen on every street and at every level.Baloch threatened to take further action against the government if it did not remove the slabs, fixed taxes, and other levies contained in the electricity bills by June 30.

He underlined the necessity of reviewing the IPP contracts because, in his opinion, they add Rs. 2,500 billion to the budget.On July 1, the dealers will make their next course of action known if the government does not take action.


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